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VEVOR 2KW 12V Diesel Air Heater with LCD Switch Silencer Remote Control 5 / 10 L Tank for Car RV Trailer Truck Various Vehicles

(24 müşteri değerlendirmesi)


  • United States
  • Czech Republic
  • Belgium
  • White
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Product Description
diesel heater, for car trucks, 2kw

Product Description:


Features & Details

  • RUGGED ALUMINUM BODY】- The combustion chamber, the base and the heat-dissipating scale are all sand-blasted aluminum parts. It is integrally formed, featuring with uniform heat dissipation, fast heat.
  • ENERGY SAVING】- The optimized frequency conversion ECU accurately controls the injection frequency of the oil pump, and controls the intake air amount with the precise speed to extend the service life of the heater. The big air outlet design for fast heating.
  • 【REDUCED NOISE】- Effectively reduce noise through blower speed control, silent fan, silent oil pump. The silent fan sleeps peacefully, and the metering oil pump adopts an improved low frequency pulse with low vibration.
  • 【STANDARD ACCESSORY】- With a complete mounting kit – including all mounting screws, which means all installation kit and instruction are included. Making it easy to install and use.Also with a muffler.
  • WIDE APPLICATION】- This diesel air heater can be applied for heating the cab of various diesel mechanical vehicles such as cars, buses, RVs, trucks, engineering vehicles, etc.

Key Features

  • Aluminum Body

    The combustion chamber, the base and the heat-dissipating scale are all sand-blasted aluminum parts. The whole machine is integrally constructed, featuring with uniform heat dissipation, fast heat and anti-aging ability.

  • Fast Heating

    The diesel air heater will fuel heating evaporated into gas, fast heating, full combustion. The air heater has one big outlet for airflow to increase the air volume and quickly warm.

  • Plastic Fuel Tank

    The fuel tank cap adopts the threaded rotary seal design, so the air can only enter, and the diesel smell inside does not overflow into the compartment and causes trouble.

  • Energy Saving Oil Pump

    The optimized frequency conversion ECU accurately controls the injection frequency of the oil pump, and controls the intake air amount with the precise speed to extend the service life of the heater.

  • Complete Accessory Kit

    With a complete mounting kit – including all mounting screws, which means all installation kit and instruction are included. Making it easy to install and use.

  • Wide Application

    This diesel air heater can be applied for heating the cab of various diesel mechanical vehicles such as cars, buses, RVs, trucks, engineering vehicles, etc.

diesel heater, for car trucks, 2kw

12V 2KW Diesel Air Heater

With compact design, the air heater tank is for easy installation for interior or even under the floor. Due to the low fuel and power consumption, it is suitable for longer periods of operation. It heats up fast and helps you get warm quickly when it is cold outside.

  • Aluminum Body
  • Reduced Noise
  • Energy Saving Oil Pump
  • Complete Accessory Kit

Package Content



  • Heater power: 2KW
  • Fuel gasoline: diesel
  • Rated voltage: 12V
  • Fuel consumption: 0.1-0.28(1/H)
  • Working temperature: -40℃~+20℃
  • Operating voltage range: 10.5-16/21-32V
  • Motor weight: 2.7kg/6LBS

Package Content

  • 1 x Parking heater
  • 1 x Silencer
  • 1 x Mainline beam
  • 1 x 0il pump
  • 1 x 10L tank
  • 1 x Oil filter
  • 1 x Tubing
  • 1 x LCD switch
  • 1 x Air filter
  • 1 x Metal vent
  • 1 x Inlet pipe
  • 1 x Out of the duct
  • 1 x Tuyere
  • 1 x Silicon gasket
  • 6 x Tubing joint
  • 12x Tubing small larynx hoop
  • 3 x Mid-size larynx hoop
  • 2 x Large larynx hoop
  • 4 x Nut
  • 4 x Self-tapping screw
  • 1 x Main engine mounting plate
  • 1 x Nylon cable tie
  • 1 x English instruction
  • 1 x White tubing
diesel heater, for car trucks, 2kw

12V 2KW Diesel Air Heater

With compact design, the air heater tank is for easy installation for interior or even under the floor. Due to the low fuel and power consumption, it is suitable for longer periods of operation. It heats up fast and helps you get warm quickly when it is cold outside.

  • Aluminum Body
  • Low Noise
  • Energy Saving Oil Pump
  • Complete Accessory Kit

Package Content



  • Heater power: 2KW
  • Fuel gasoline: Diesel
  • Rated voltage:12V
  • Car air conditioning type: Heating
  • Fuel consumption(L/h): 0.18-0.48
  • Working temperature of the Heater:-40℃~+50℃
  • Working temperature of the Oil pump:-40℃~+40℃

Package Content

  • 1 x Heater
  • 1 x Blue LCD Switch
  • 1 x Remote Control
  • 1 x Silencer
  • 1 x Accessory Kit
diesel heater, for car trucks, 2kw

12V 2KW Diesel Air Heater

With compact design, the air heater tank is for easy installation for interior or even under the floor. Due to the low fuel and power consumption, it is suitable for longer periods of operation. It heats up fast and helps you get warm quickly when it is cold outside.

  • Aluminum Body
  • Low Noise
  • Energy Saving Oil Pump
  • Complete Accessory Kit

Package Content



  • Heater power: 2KW
  • Fuel gasoline: Diesel
  • Rated voltage:12V
  • Car air conditioning type: Heating
  • Fuel consumption(L/h): 0.18-0.48
  • Working temperature of the Heater:-40℃~+50℃
  • Working temperature of the Oil pump:-40℃~+40℃

Package Content

  • 1 x Heater
  • 1 x White LCD Switch
  • 1 x Remote Control
  • 1 x Silencer
  • 1 x Accessory Kit


Stok kodu: 1005002129155021 Kategoriler:

Based on 24 reviews

4.4 overall

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

  1. A*****e
    Supply durable 5 days. Super! Firmly packed.


    Helpful? 0 0
    Excellent thank you


    Helpful? 0 0
    Delivered quickly, very well packaged
    Obviously not yet installed or tested


    Helpful? 0 0
    very happy with the heaters they work perfectly a d easy to install, instruction are quite clear and east to follow


    Helpful? 0 0
    Heater received within 10 days, hailed from Czech Republic wtih Belgie as specified. Package complete, small 2kw model. Muffler and damper not gas tig...More
    Heater received within 10 days, hailed from Czech Republic wtih Belgie as specified. Package complete, small 2kw model. Muffler and damper not gas tight but that was already known. I have the heater have not assembled.


    Helpful? 0 0


    Helpful? 0 0
    fast delivery everything looks good. didnt try yet


    Helpful? 0 0
    Nagyon jó


    Helpful? 0 0
    OK polecam


    Helpful? 0 0
    All OK. Is cieplutko :)


    Helpful? 0 0
    2KW daje radę, jest cieplutko. Polecam.


    Helpful? 0 0
    Have not received zamuwienia


    Helpful? 0 0
    Thank you for your superfast service and shipping. Good Product, Good Quality . I can recommend this seller and company.


    Helpful? 0 0


    Helpful? 0 0
    Fast delivery, conform description.


    Helpful? 0 0
    looks very good, nicely packed and I think everything is there. will update my review once installed


    Helpful? 0 0


    Helpful? 0 0
    youtube Nerdiasme


    Helpful? 0 0
    The delivery of the article was surprisingly quick. The diesel heater is very well packed in a sturdy box. The complementary hardware is of good qual...More
    The delivery of the article was surprisingly quick.
    The diesel heater is very well packed in a sturdy box. The complementary hardware is of good quality and is sufficient for a range of mounting methods. Worth noting is that the clips to make the fuel line connections are of a high quality. And there is a comprehensive manual too!
    Inspection of the interior of the heater shows that the glow plug is a little too big, so it prevents the sealing cap on top to sit properly, thus opening a possible path for the exhaust fumes to enter into the cabin. If seller could send a replacement ceramic glow plug suitable for this (small) kind of heater I would be a 1000% happy and satisfied customer!


    Helpful? 0 0
    Pack well secured and dotarła according to deklaracją seller. Stove looks firmly. I have hopes that will be well acted.


    Helpful? 0 0
    The parcel came damaged. Looks like it had been thrown at the post office. A nozzle on the heater is curved, not sure if it would work properly.


    Helpful? 0 0
    Received, fast shipping, still need to try


    Helpful? 0 0
    OK. Very fast delivery, thanks


    Helpful? 0 0
    The shipment was very fast. It looks very good, well packed and I think everything is there. I made a test run on a table and it worked well.


    Helpful? 0 0